That way people will be able to see fresher/different content.
Suggested sorting abilities:
Must see: Sorted by # visited. These are the easiest and most accessible spots.
Hard to get : Sorted by # want to go, but lowest # visited first. This should give travellers a really unique list of places that seem popular but are never visited. (So this should give priority to 0,100 over 1000,2000)
Hidden Wonders: perhaps something that sorts the least visited/want to visit posts based on date. So stuff that never caught on and got buried for 6 months would win from something that just got published.
This suggestion is quoted from a forum post from @CoolCrab .
Related to #34 : Ability to see content in randomized order to ensure variation.
If you want more change, maybe add a time stamp to the visits and want to go’s and make some categories like. ‘Popular this month’, ‘spot of the year’, etc. That also will give new places a chance versus the old ones with 10000 clicks.
Clarifying that currently this is In Progress for showing fresher content on the Homepage, not Destination Guides.