Potential idea to make reviewing places easier for staff.
Make some kind of page that shows a submitted place and users can vote whether it’s fitting, not fitting or needs work. Maybe have them write a short feedback line when deciding.
Maybe feed each place to 3-5-9 ppl and auto woot it if it gets a majority upvotes. (Or just let editors use this to help them decide on a place.)
Max yes could be auto woot
Max no auto reject with all comments
Stuff in between let editors check.
Editors should have the final word anyway, but I think that this would help to get through the backlog and to filter out the obvious no places. Maybe ones with high scores can be pushed higher up the queue.
Either way I would send some kind of message to the submittor like. Your place has been reviewed. Here are the comments, email editors if you want it unlocked for changes, otherwise it will he reviewed asap.
I personally think that I would enjoy doing this, as I’d get to see new places. Others might agree.
A minimum word count. There are to many entries that are a paragraph or less on Atlas Obscura. Looks unprofessional and often lacking in detail . They also tend to be boring and don’t give the Place any justice. The more interesting posts have some literary merit as short travelogues or “infotainment.”